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Easy Mind Easy Life

Easy Mind Easy Life

Meditations to free your mind and engage your heart.

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Easy Mind Easy Life
Easy Mind Easy Life

Why This Book was Written

Free Your Mind

Life is simple. Life is easy. We need to shed all that is no longer needed. Relieving the mind of all the pressure we have put on it. We have given the mind the job of having to figure it all out. It was never designed for this. That’s why it is in constant conflict

We need to step into the light. And all it takes is ONE breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. There you are.

About the author.

Your Past is a Gift



Hollie Belle has spent most of her life living in a fog, though she has always known she is different and unique.

Since her awakening, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge with everyone who is ready to wake up, helping others gain clarity about their own lives and find their true purpose in life.

She lives with her daughter and husband in Sydney, Australia.

Hollie has spent the last forty years looking for answers to life’s most important questions.

Her quest is now to shed some light on these for others.

Hollie Belle

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About The Book

This book is dedicated to you dear Soul. Yes, you. The one reading this book. Your Heart has been trying to talk to you for years, but you’ve shut it down. It is time to listen. Time to wake up and realise what matters most is not out there.
It has always been within you.

Deep down, you know the truth. And that’s why you are here right now. These moments are trying to lead you to your truth. They are trying to lead you home. Away from all the mundane distractions of everyday life. Away from all the chaos in your mind.

Easy Mind Easy Life

What’s inside


for your inner child


to give the mind a rest


for inner peace


for clarity


for love


for connectedness


for loving the Self


for awareness



So here we are again, my beloved and treasured Soul. I have put together a collection of magical moments for you.

Some moments refer to Little Love, this is your inner child. Usually around the age of five.

That inner child that has been suppressed and constantly told that it is to be seen but not heard.

This inner child has been hiding for years waiting for you to acknowledge it and give it your love and acceptance. 

Other moments talk about your Heart. This Heart is the centre of your being. You can call this Soul, or Spirit or simply Heart.

Whatever feels right for you. Your Heart is yearning to go home. Home is where you are at one with Source, the Universal Life Force Energy.

That place of unconditional love and light. The place inside you where there are no judgements. No right or wrong. Nor good or bad.

Life just is. This is where you find true joy and authentic peace. Lastly, there are times that moments will call for the Universe to be a part of the dialogue we are having on that day.

Again, you can easily substitute the word Universe for God, Source,
Spirit or Life whatever fits best for you. I actually love to call it Higher Intelligence as well.

Deep down, you know the truth. And that’s why you are here right now. These moments are trying to lead you to your truth.

They are trying to lead you home. Away from all the mundane distractions of everyday life. Away from all the chaos in your mind.

Life is simple. Life is easy. We need to shed all that is no longer needed. Relieving the mind of all the pressure we have put on it.

We have given the mind the job of having to figure it all out. It was never designed for this. That’s why it is in constant conflict.

We need to step into the light.
And all it takes is ONE breath.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

There you are.




Easy Mind Easy life

Free Your Mind

Sample Pages

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easy mind easy life
easy mind easy life
easy mind easy life

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Free Your Mind

Easy Mind Easy Life

How do you know if you are living your life to the fullest?
That’s a good question and it starts with how present you are in each moment

Easy Mind Easy Life
Easy Mind Easy Life
Easy Mind Easy Life
Easy Mind Easy Life

What are you Waiting For?

Free Your Mind Today

Give each moment the opportunity to take you
on an enchanting journey into the world that
resides within you.

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I am Light. I am Dark.

The Sole Purpose of the Soul

Hollie Belle

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